Wickliffe Family Directory

The Wickliffe Family Directory is a secure, password-protected online directory that allows Wickliffe families to easily update their own contact information and find the contacts of the parents of their student's classmates and friends.



Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. Who has access to the online family directory?

The Wickliffe Family online directory is secure and limited to current Wickliffe families. It can only be viewed by families who have paid their PTO membership for the current academic year. PTO membership can be purchased as part of this year's Back To School bundle.


Q2. How complete is the directory?

The directory has contacts for ALL families who have agreed to be in the PTO directory (whether they are paid members or not). In practice, almost all our Wickliffe families opt to be in the directory.


*Teacher assignments in the directory are blank until parents add the information for their student. You can filter the directory by student grade or by teacher, however the teacher will be blank until families have updated their profile after the teacher assignments have been announced.


Q3. How accurate is the contact information?

At the beginning of each year, the district provides the PTO with the contact information parents provided with their registration in PowerSchool for us to maintain the directory. However, the best method is for families to update their own information and directory preferences, which keeps the information up to date throughout the year.


Q4. How do I update my directory information and preferences?

Select the menu option My Account / My Forms. Update your Family Information, and then use the Directory Publish Preferences to choose exactly which pieces of your contact information other Wickliffe families can see.


Q5. Are there old contacts, from students who have left Wickliffe?

No, the directory contains current Wickliffe families only. Once we know a family no longer has students attending Wickliffe their contact information is removed from the directory.


Q6. Why do I need to logon to membership toolkit to see the directory?

Membership Toolkit hosts our website and directory. Logging on allows the system to determine whether you are a paid PTO member.


Q7. I paid the PTO family membership, why can't my partner open the directory?

The parent with the PTO membership can check your family's account settings, from the menu option My Account / My Forms Step 1: Family Information. The system will give directory access to the 2nd Parent email address listed here. You can add or update their email address and save (click the next step button, then save on page 2).


Q8. Can I receive PTO emails without being in the family directory?

If you prefer not to have your information in the directory, you will still receive newsletters and important email updates to the email address you use to login to the PTO website.


Q9. Are scholarships available?

Yes! Please reach out to wickliffepto@gmail.com for the PTO membership fee to be waived.




If you have other questions or need assistance, please email wickliffeptocommunications@gmail.org