Counselors' Corner 4.19.2022
4/18/2022 5:52 pm
Counseling team updates:
As the school year is coming to a close and we are starting to think about the transition to a new counseling team, your feedback about aspects of our current program would be greatly appreciated.
Collaborating with colleagues and families as co-educators to meet children’s needs is a Foundational Principle that guides us. So, please be on the lookout for a Google survey to share your thoughts that will help shape the future of our Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP).
Food for Thought:
It is that time of year, again…Earth Day!
This article explains the history of Earth Day which began in 1970, when a United States senator from Wisconsin organized a national demonstration to raise awareness about environmental issues. Since then, every April 22, people from around the world have been engaging in educational opportunities and activities to protect our planet.
As we continue to emerge from COVID and find ways to move kids off their screens and back outdoors, I would like to share some helpful information that I found through National Geographic for Kids to help celebrate Earth Day.
Here are some kid-friendly tips to save the earth. And here is an article on kids vs plastic that has fun ways to get the entire family involved.
So as the signs of spring are *blooming* around us, let’s use this as an opportunity to teach our kiddos about taking care of our planet.
Felice, Megan, Julia, and Three Sarahs (Moyer, Perry, and Lemery)