Counselors' Corner 2.22.2022

2/21/2022 8:05 pm

Food for Thought:


Staying on top of the current research regarding screen time can be challenging at best. There is a plethora of information to be read and some can even seem contradicting. Common Sense Media is a source that I use to guide my understanding.


Here are two resources from them (an article and a fact sheet) that present two sides of the same coin – social media harms for our youth and how not to demonize the use of screens during the pandemic.


I think it is important to recognize that screens are here to stay and in some ways have been a lifeline, especially during this pandemic, to learning and staying connected. AND there are inherent risks in social media which we must acknowledge and use to provide guidance for our children.


As always, I hope this information is helpful for you. Together, as a family and school, we can support these children as they learn to safely navigate the use of screens and the content they will encounter.


If there is any topic that you would like me to explore, please reach out to me at

Felice (and the rest of the counseling team)
