Counselors' Corner December 7

12/6/2021 6:58 pm

Food for Thought:


As we have begun the 2021 holiday season, I had hoped to share this article with you before Thanksgiving break. I don’t know if any of you are feeling like you have too many balls in the air at this time, but I certainly do (which could be a topic for a future “Food for Thought"... why are we feeling less productive during this pandemic?).


So, although this article, written by Hillary Nelson (director of education for Penn’s Center for Public Health Initiatives) and James Pawelski (director of education at Penn’s Positive Psychology Center), was intended for Thanksgiving, it certainly pertains to the December holidays as well.


Here are their six tips for making the holidays joyful, fun, and safe:

  • Understand your risk tolerance.

  • Be open and frank.

  • Practice self-compassion.

  • Think beyond yourself.

  • Embrace arts and music.

  • Reframe what makes the holidays “special.”

I hope these resonate with you as much as they did for me.


Until next week,

The Counseling Team 

Felice Kassoy, Sarah Perry, Sarah Moyer, and Megan Montana
