Counseling team updates - Sept 6th

9/7/2021 9:05 am

We have had a very enthusiastic response to our fall groups, which is GREAT news. Because our numbers are so big, it is taking us a little longer than planned to get all of these “up and running.”  So thank you for your patience as we work out the logistics so that everyone can be included!


Food for thought:

Getting back into the routine and expectations of school can be more challenging for some children than others and especially when we return from a 3-day weekend. Here is one idea that might help the day to get off to a good start.


You might even print this and put it on your child’s bedroom door, the bathroom mirror, or the refrigerator as a reminder to use this *strategy* for a grounded start to the day.

If you have other ways that your family starts their day, we’d love to hear from you so that we can share them with our Wickliffe family.

Until next week,
The Counseling Team (Felice Kassoy, Sarah Perry, Sarah Moyer, and Megan Montana)
