2024/2025 Community Sponsorship Opportunities

The Wickliffe Elementary PTO invites you to support our school by becoming a Wickliffe Elementary PTO Sponsor for the 2024-2025 school year. The following are just some of the advantages of sponsoring Wickliffe PTO:

  • It is a tax deductible. Wickliffe PTO is a not for profit organization.

  • It helps grow your business. This year we have over 500 families in our community

  • You are supporting educational and enrichment opportunities for children in the local community including teacher grants, reading, math, and arts programs.

Please enter your contact information - name, email or telephone number.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:
 Level 1 more
 Level 2 more
 Level 3 more
 Level 4 more

Please provide your advertising content.

Thank You! We Appreciate Your Generosity and Support!