On behalf of the Wickliffe Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), let me welcome you to the start of the school year and a new year of PTO. My name is Dawn Hofherr and I will be serving as the PTO President for the 2021-2022 school year. This is my seventh year at Wickliffe, and I am looking forward to working together with our parents, teachers, and staff to support the overall well-being of our students and families. If this is your first year at Wickliffe, I would like to extend a big welcome to you. If you are a returning family, I know you are as excited as I am to be starting a hopefully more normal school year again!
My goal this year is to reach out and build up our village. There are so many new and familiar faces that maybe we haven’t connected with yet, but this is our year! It felt so good to see so many people in the building yesterday during the Open House. You could feel the positive energy all around!
The Wickliffe PTO works collaboratively throughout the school year to support and provide many events and volunteer opportunities. We can’t do this without YOU and your continued support. We are all parents/caregivers trying to give our kids the best educational and social experiences possible. Please show your support by joining our PTO and participating in the events and activities planned throughout the year. Your participation may mean becoming a PTO member, joining a committee, volunteering, or attending an event. Whatever level of participation you choose, your time and involvement are always appreciated!!
Please visit the Wickliffe PTO Website to join the PTO and learn more about what we do! You will find a calendar with important dates, a spirit wear store (that will have new inventory in the upcoming weeks), a school and class directory, updates on what’s happening from a PTO perspective, access to important links, and much more!
Lastly, a few important notes…
- School supplies: The PTO is here to support any families who need help purchasing school supplies. Please reach out to the PTO or Dr. Kassoy. All requests are kept confidential.
- First day of school coffee:The PTO welcomes all parents to meet for coffee on their child's first day of school, August 18th or August 19th. This is an informal get together to welcome each other back and connect. Weather permitting, please gather at 8:30 in the front of the school, where the buses line up. If there is rain, we will move inside.
- Parent/Teacher Nights:The PTO will provide free childcare at Wickliffe for parents attending the upcoming parent/teacher nights. All children need to wear a mask to utilize this resource. Please click here to sign-up for childcare.
- First Fundraiser: The flower sales have become one of our biggest fundraisers! The profits from the flower sales provide every teacher and staff member with a grant for their classroom/area of expertise. More information will be sent out soon, but please get ready to purchase your fall mums starting on September 7th!
Again, thank so much for this opportunity. I’m grateful for you and our community!
Dawn Hofherr