Hello Wickliffe families,
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our Steven's Catering restaurant fundraiser throughout February! Your delicious week 4 meals will be ready for pickup on Wednesday between 5 and 6pm, at Wickliffe.
This week, is the final week of hybrid learning for the students in the school based pathway! As our amazing Wickliffe teachers and staff are preparing for our children to return to the classrooms full time, we have three ways to support them: (please scroll to the newsfeed below for all the details)
- Adopt A Teacher/Staff Member: thank you to everyone who has adopted a staff member! If you haven't yet, please take a minute to sign up.
- Teacher Appreciation Snacks: please sign up if you'd like to contribute, drop items to Kelley's porch or perhaps order online for delivery to Kelley Swiney at 3942 Newhall Rd, to save a trip!
- UACA Golden Apple Awards: nominations close on Friday (2/26), please take a minute to submit a nomination for a staff member who has made a difference to your student, this year.
If you missed the district's family webinar on the transition plans to all-in learning, you can find the recording here. More information will come from Ms. Evans in the next few days - please watch out for her emails and video message.
Don't miss Counselors' Corner, for updates from the winter lunch groups, and also a request from the Online Academy learners for donations of socks and pop tabs during the month of February. Plus, Dr. Kassoy shares great advice on talking to our children as they transition back to all-in learning.
Please check the calendar for other important dates this week. We have early release at 12:05pm today (2/23) and Thursday (2/25). And, the well-being webinar the district is hosting with Rosalind Wiseman on "helping families support their children's well-being during distance learning" is tomorrow (2/24) at 6:30pm (please register).
Have a great week!
Kelley Swiney and the whole PTO.