Originally delivered on 1/5/2021 7:02 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to Watch for this Week (1.5.2021)

What to Watch for This Week:

Hello Wickliffe families!

Happy New Year!  We hope that you had a restful and fun winter break. We're excited that the students on the school pathway are back in hybrid mode and seeing their teachers again, it feels like a good start to the year!

Here's what to watch for this week: 

  • if your child switched pathways, please take a moment to update the directory with your child's classroom teacher (or online academy). It's easy, please click here (full details below).
  • please mark your calendar for next Wednesday (1/13) for January's restaurant fundraiser at Chipotle, Kingsdale. Foil your dinner plans and stop by Chipotle to support our school!
  • and we've added new dates to the teacher appreciation snacks, please consider signing up to drop some snacks off at Kelley's house to treat our teachers. Details below. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Dewey's fundraiser in December, together we raised over $600 for the school.

Read on for the hybrid/remote meal plan updates: the USDA Waiver, making school lunches free to all students, has been extended to the end of the school year; and there's a new remote pickup form for multi-day meal packs, for students who are remote learning.  

Please check the calendar for other important dates, including the district wide parent webinar with Dr. Emily King this Wednesday evening at 6:30pm, the link will be mailed to parents on the day. 

Have a great week!

Kelley Swiney and the whole PTO.

News and links to our website:
Restaurant Fundraiser - Chipotle

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Calling all burrito lovers! Foil your dinner plans and stop by the Chipotle, Kingsdale for our fundraiser on Wednesday, January 13th from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. We're raising money to support Wickliffe Elementary School PTO, so just show this flyer or mention the fundraiser at checkout and they'll donate 33% of the proceeds to the cause! Ordering online? Use code CPH8PXB in the 'promo' field before checkout.

Teacher Appreciation

Thank you to all who have donated snacks and drinks for the teachers and staff members. The teachers and staff real enjoy and appreciate the treats and drinks! We need your help to keep it going!

If you would like to contribute individual prepackaged food and drinks, our amazing teachers would really appreciate it. Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/teacher_appreciation

Requested items include: candy, chips, cookies, nuts, trailmix, soda, San Pellegrino flavored water, La Croix, cold brew coffee. Please drop your items off at Kelley Swiney's porch at 3942 Newhall Rd. If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Waddell at jenniferawaddell@yahoo.com. Thank you for your support! 

Box Tops are now online!
Box tops are now online and are an easy way to help earn money for Wickliffe!
1. Download the app
2. Choose Wickliffe Elementary as your school
3. Scan and upload receipts
It’s that easy! We have a goal of $1,000 and have quite a ways to go. Please download the app and start uploading your receipts. Happy New Year!
Download on the App Store: BoxTops for Education App
Get it on Google Play: Box Tops for Education
Hybrid/Remote Meal Program

There is currently no charge for elementary students to buy school lunch through the end of the school year due to a USDA National Waiver.

  • IN-SCHOOL: To pre-order meals from Nutritional Services on the days your student is in school, please click here to make your selection, orders need to be placed by 10pm one day in advance. The lunches are delivered to the classrooms.
  • REMOTE: Multi-day meal packs will be available for pick up for Independent Remote Learning days (at home days and online academy). A remote pickup form will need to be completed each week if you would like to pick up a remote multi-meal pack that week. For the week of January 4, please complete this form.

    *Group 1 (A-K) can pickup meals Thursday (1/7) at 12:15-1:00pm at Wickliffe
    *Group 2 (L-Z) can pickup meals on Wednesday (1/6) at 12:15-1:00pm at Wickliffe
    *Online Academy can pickup meals on Wednesday (1/6) or Thursday (1/7) at 12:15-1:00pm at Wickliffe

Click here for more information

Directory - Search by Teacher

Tips and Tricks: How to assign your student's classroom teacher in the directory

The directory is set up to allow you to search for the contact information of your student's friends in multiple ways - by student or by parent, by name or by grade.

We also have the option to search by classroom teacher but in some cases the assignment is missing. Please match your student to their teacher:

  • click the link below,
  • if prompted, sign in (with your email address and password)
  • select the appropriate teacher name from the list, and
  • click save.


If you notice a friend is missing their teacher assignment, please pass this tip on!

For privacy reasons, the directory is only available to PTO members - to join please click here. If the $25 dues are a barrier to joining, please send an email to wickliffepto@gmail.com for the fee to be waived.

Tuesday, January 5
Students Back to School
Wednesday, January 6
OA - last day to submit photo of your child for year book
6:30p Well-being Webinar with Dr. Emily King (District wide)
Monday, January 11
Golden Apple Award - Nominations Open
6:30p Monthly PTO Meeting
Wednesday, January 13
4:00p Restaurant Fundraiser - Chipotle 4pm-8pm
Monday, January 18
NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday, January 27
12:05p Early Release at 12:05pm (No K classes)
Monday, February 1
6:30p Monthly PTO Meeting
Wednesday, February 3
Restaurant Fundraiser - Stephen's Catering Family Meal Kits
Thursday, February 4
6:30p Kindergarten Information Night (Registration for 2021/22)