Originally delivered on 11/24/2020 7:02 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to Watch for this Week (11.24.2020)

What to Watch for This Week:

Hello Wickliffe families,

Happy Thanksgiving! 2020 is continuing to be a tough year, our students have returned to Enhanced Distance Learning, and the stay at home advisory is interrupting Thanksgiving plans; and so we wanted to reiterate that the PTO is here to support all families in all ways. If you or your family needs assistance, please reach out. Let us know at wickliffepto@gmail.com, we are all in this together and will do all we can. 

This week, we'd like to start with some thank you's - first, to our amazing teachers, thank you for loving our students and working so hard to support their learning in these difficult times. Parents, thank you for being co-educators in a way that's more important than ever, and making remote learning happen!

What to watch for this week: 

  • Mrs. Oberlin and Mrs. Millers fifth graders Heart-to-Heart gift drive is underway, you can sign up to choose a child or family to shop for, to help give them a happier holiday season.
  • Our online Book Fair opens on Monday November 30th, you can browse for books for gifts, and for your kids, from the virtual walk-through. 

Dr. Kassoy has a wonderful book list of authentic and accurate Thanksgiving books in her food for thought.

And, scroll to the calendar for other important dates, including: NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday this week; the UA school district deadline for switching to/from the Online Academy is on Sunday (11/29); and looking further ahead, our December restaurant fundraiser at Dewey's pizza is on December 9th. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

Kelley Swiney and the whole PTO

News and links to our website:
Scholastic Book Fair Online

The Wickliffe PTO invites you to shop our Online Book Fair and support our school! The Fair runs from November 30-December 13. Our Fair will feature a Virtual Fair walk-through so you and your kids can experience the magic of the school shopping experience: Browse titles by grade, meet popular authors, and much more! 

All purchases will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!). Don’t miss these two weeks of events, fun, and books. 

Questions?​ Contact Dawn Hofherr (​dawn.kuritz@gmail.com​) or Jennie Lawrence (​jcisarlawrence@gmail.com​)

Restaurant Fundraiser - Dewey's Pizza

Thank you to everyone that dined at City BBQ last week. We raised $255.49 that will be donated directly to the PTO.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for our next Restaurant Night on Wednesday, December 9th at Dewey’s Pizza in Grandview. More details in the coming weeks. 

Heart to Heart Holiday Gift Drive
Mrs. Oberlin’s and Mrs. Miller’s fifth grade students are working with a team from Heart to Heart Food Pantry to collect gifts for 70 children from 24 families of Southpoint Apartments, a supported housing complex in Columbus, to help them have a happier holiday season.
  • If you would like to choose a child or a family to shop for you can access the Sign Up Genius here: Holiday Gift Sign Up so you can select a child to help this holiday season. 
  • We will have a contactless drop off for gifts the week of December 14th- 18th, more details will be provided nearer the time.

We are excited that we can still help others this year even though we can’t volunteer in person. If you have questions, please email Sarah Oberlin at soberlin@uaschools.org.

Reminder: Loyalty and Rewards

These organizations donate money to our school as you shop! Please consider using these reward programs to benefit Wickliffe PTO as you are doing your Black Friday and holiday shopping this year. Thank you for supporting our school.


Shutterfly Storefront


Remote Meal Program
Any student enrolled in Upper Arlington Schools, including UA Online Academy, may order meals by clicking here. When selecting your lunch pickup location, please scroll to the bottom of the list and select the building you would like to pick up from under the "District Wide Pick Up Locations." Please complete your order by 10 a.m. the day before pickup.

If you would like to pick up meals for your student’s remote learning days, or for your Online Academy student, please contact the Director of Nutritional Services, Irene Hunt, at ihunt@uaschools.org.   Once you are added to their list, you will receive additional information about how to order and when and where to pick up your meals.

What is the cost for meals? Thanks to a USDA waiver, all students enrolled in Upper Arlington Schools (preK-12) will be able to receive free lunch through the month of December, or until federal funding is no longer available. 

Counselors' Corner
Counseling Team Updates
  • Please join us on Sunday evening, December 6th, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PMhttps://zoom.us/j/7191866057 for our next Parent Coffee. This conversation is entitled, “Navigating the Holidays.” As we know, staying connected with our Wickliffe families is more important than ever. We hope you can join us for this discussion.

  • Online Academy MeetUp - Please have your OA learners join us for a Holiday Hangout on Thursday, December 3rd from 11:00 to 12:00 on Zoom  https://zoom.us/j/7191866057 for games and a craft.  All your child needs is 6 pieces of paper (any kind will do), a glue stick, and their imagination. It is a great way to stay connected with each other while learning apart.  

  • A gentle reminder to  please limit your news consumption and adult conversations in the presence of your kiddos. With a constant barrage of information about the increase in COVID cases and the ongoing coverage of the election results and transfer of power,  we need to be a source of calm and reassurance for our children. At a time when children are worried about the things that they cannot control, reminding them of the importance of mask wearing, handwashing, and social distancing empowers them to make choices about things they can control. As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions or need additional support.

Dr. Kassoy's Food for Thought

I hope that some of you had the opportunity to read last week’s message about gratitude. I wanted to share one more thought before Thanksgiving.

As we continue to teach children a historically accurate and authentic narrative of Thanksgiving it can be hard to find great books about Thanksgiving and First Nations/Native American culture. After a quick Google search (since I can’t go to my local library during COVID), I found this short list. Thanksgiving Books: Authenticity and Accuracy 

It was a good reminder to me about the importance of diverse books. According to Rudine Sims Bishop, professor emerita from OSU, literature can be “mirrors” for indigenous children to have the opportunity to see themselves in books while providing “windows” to other children to have insight into a new culture. So, this Thanksgiving I hope that one of these books might be a window or mirror for your child and family.


The Counseling Team (Felice and Rebecca)

Wednesday, November 25
Thursday, November 26
Friday, November 27
Saturday, November 28
1:00p PowerSchool Upgrade - not accessible
Sunday, November 29
11:58p Transition To/From UA Online Academy - Form Deadline
Monday, November 30
Scholastic Book Fair begins
Tuesday, December 1
Picture Make-up/Retake Day - Cohort 1
9:30a Syntero Parent Workshop
Wednesday, December 2
Picture Make-up/Retake Day - Cohort 2
Friday, December 4
Square 1 Art - Last day for families to place orders on-line
Sunday, December 6
6:15p Parent Coffee Conversation via Zoom
Monday, December 7
6:30p Monthly PTO Meeting
Wednesday, December 9
Restaurant Fundraiser - Dewey's Pizza
Sunday, December 13
Scholastic Book Fair ends
Wednesday, December 23
Winter Break begins