Originally delivered on 10/13/2020 7:04 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to Watch for this Week (10.13.2020)

What to Watch for This Week:

Hello Wickliffe families!

This week, we're loving the weather and gorgeous fall colors, hopefully you and your families have been able to enjoy the outdoors, too. Coming up this week, watch for:

  • Fall Spirit Wear Sale deliveries - if you pre-ordered spirit wear, your orders are in, and will be delivered to your porch this week. Read on below for the details.
  • Friday is school picture day for Cohort 2 and OA students - have your kids dress to impress ;)
  • and, we are continuing to treat our teachers to snacks - this is a small gesture that is so appreciated by our teachers, if you'd like to add to our stash the details are below.

Check out our first sponsor spotlight - thank you Puptown Lounge for generously sponsoring Wickliffe PTO! 

And, if you are a business owner, or you know of a business that would be interested, please consider becoming a sponsor, and passing our link along to others to advertise while supporting our school.

Don't miss Counselors' Corner: Dr. Kassoy is resuming parent coffee zooms, and gives us some excellent food for thought on how to talk to our children about the heritage and history of Indigenous Peoples.

Finally, scroll to the calendar for this month's important dates, including NO SCHOOL on Monday (10/19). Enjoy the long weekend!


Kelley Swiney and the whole PTO

News and links to our website:
Sponsor Spotlight

Puptown Lounge is a Wickliffe Elementary PTO Sponsor for the 2020-2021 school year. Thank you for your LEVEL ONE sponsorship, Puptown Lounge!

Puptown is owned by TWO Wickliffe families and is the perfect place to take your pup for daycare, grooming and overnight stays.

They are offering any new pup a 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 day of daycare! 



Want to become a Wickliffe sponsor? Send an email to cbusstories@gmail.com or sign up online at https://wickliffepto.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/16155653

School Pictures


  • HR Imaging will be photographing school portraits at Wickliffe on Friday, October 16th (cohort 2 and OA) and Wednesday, October 21st (cohort 1 and OA).  
  • ONLINE ACADEMY students: Please check in at the front doors on Wickliffe Road on October 16th or October 21st from 12:00-12:45 pm to have your child’s school picture taken.

Prepaid portrait envelopes have been sent home, or you can visit hrimaging.com and enter Wickliffe Elementary to order online.   

Due to social distancing, we will not be taking classroom group pictures this fall.  Our hope is to be able to take them in the spring.  If you have questions, please feel free to call HR Imaging at 740.369.4215

Fall Spirit Wear Sale: Spirit Wear Is In!

Your pre-ordered spirit wear has arrived, and we are delivering to porches this week!

If you provided a local address (in Upper Arlington) when you placed your order, then your package is on its way, and will be delivered to your porch in the next few days. However, if you did not leave a local address, or you haven't received your order by this Friday (10/16), please email Hilary Newlin at cnewlin1@yahoo.com for pick up instructions.

Thanks again for supporting Wickliffe PTO!

Teacher Appreciation

One way we are continuing to show our love and support to our teachers and staff is by providing prepacked snacks and drinks throughout the day. Please consider helping by signing up to donate prepackaged food or drinks.

Here is a link to the sign-up genius: Teacher Appreciation - Snack Sign-up

Beautification Fall Cleanup - Join Us!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our beautification committee will be organizing a Fall cleanup at the end of this month, with an opportunity for you to volunteer twice ;)

  • Friday, Oct. 30 after school
  • and then Sunday, Nov. 1st 1-3 pm.

We are removing old flower beds and painting the white fence at the castle. The condition of the fence means we need to prime it first and then paint it, hence the two days. Any and all welcome, dress to get dirty and possibly paint splattered. Thank you!

If you have questions, please contact Marta Ackley.

PTO Dollars At Work!

A big THANK YOU to all the families who have already become members of the PTO.

Here are some of the ways you have helped our amazing Wickliffe staff and students - through your generosity, we have been able to provide:

1. Baskets for playground equipment 

2. School supplies - extra supplies are available in each neighborhood for kids who need them 

3. Plant grant - the PTO gave a grant to help fill the school with plants 

4. Start of teacher appreciation snacks 

5. Lanyards for student masks for in school students

and more!

If you haven't yet, please become a member of the Wickliffe PTO! PTO membership is $25 per family, and it's easy to signup and pay online!

Counselors' Corner
Counseling Team Updates
  • Parent Coffees are back! After a great response this summer, we will resume these Zoom gatherings. Please join us on Sunday evening, November 8, from 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM https://zoom.us/j/7191866057 to stay connected and have conversations about current parenting topics. We welcome your ideas and suggestions.

  • Zoom Office Hours will be Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 8:00 to 9:00 for children who are learning from home on those days. Please use this link.  https://zoom.us/j/7191866057

Dr. Kassoy's Food for Thought

Cultural competence can be defined as having knowledge of and comfort with people of different racial, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to help build cultural competence in our children is our willingness to talk openly and honestly about differences.

This article provides ways to teach children about the heritage and history of Indigenous Peoples. I shared it with the staff, so I thought I would pass it along to our Wickliffe families. https://www.pbssocal.org/education/at-home-learning/honoring-indigenous-peoples-children-today-every-day/

Until next week,

Felice, Brittany and Rebecca (my two fabulous interns)

Thursday, October 15
8:00a Fall Spirit Wear Sale: Pick up or Delivery
Friday, October 16
School Pictures - Cohort 2 and OA
Monday, October 19
Wednesday, October 21
School Pictures - Cohort 1 and OA
12:00a Teacher Meals - during Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, October 26
12:00a Heart to Heart Food Pantry - Begin collection
Tuesday, October 27
In Classroom Fall Celebration - Cohort 1
Wednesday, October 28
12:00a Early Release at 12:05pm (No K classes)
12:00p Teacher Meals - during Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 29
In Classroom Fall Celebration - Cohort 2
Friday, October 30
4:00p Fall Clean Up - Grounds Beautification
4:00p Heart to Heart Food Pantry - End collection
Sunday, November 1
1:00p Fall Clean Up - Grounds Beautification
Monday, November 2
6:30p Monthly PTO Meeting
Tuesday, November 3
Sunday, November 8
6:15a Parent Coffee Conversation via Zoom
Thursday, November 12
9:00a Picture Make-up/Retake Day
Monday, November 16
Progress Reports Live