Hello Wickliffe families!
This week, we're loving the weather and gorgeous fall colors, hopefully you and your families have been able to enjoy the outdoors, too. Coming up this week, watch for:
- Fall Spirit Wear Sale deliveries - if you pre-ordered spirit wear, your orders are in, and will be delivered to your porch this week. Read on below for the details.
- Friday is school picture day for Cohort 2 and OA students - have your kids dress to impress ;)
- and, we are continuing to treat our teachers to snacks - this is a small gesture that is so appreciated by our teachers, if you'd like to add to our stash the details are below.
Check out our first sponsor spotlight - thank you Puptown Lounge for generously sponsoring Wickliffe PTO!
And, if you are a business owner, or you know of a business that would be interested, please consider becoming a sponsor, and passing our link along to others to advertise while supporting our school.
Don't miss Counselors' Corner: Dr. Kassoy is resuming parent coffee zooms, and gives us some excellent food for thought on how to talk to our children about the heritage and history of Indigenous Peoples.
Finally, scroll to the calendar for this month's important dates, including NO SCHOOL on Monday (10/19). Enjoy the long weekend!
Kelley Swiney and the whole PTO