Originally delivered on 4/18/2023 8:04 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (4.18.2023)

What to watch for this week:

We are heading into the homestretch with only 6 weeks left of school until the summer! We know we are filling your inbox these days with events/dates/reminders and we appreciate you taking the time to stay informed and engaged as we head toward summer. Below are some key reminders for the next couple of weeks.

DEADLINE EXTENDED - Wickapalooza T-Shirts: If you still have not ordered this year's new Wickapalooza T-shirt to tie dye at the festival you still have time. The deadline has been extended to this Wednesday (tomorrow) April 19th - click here to order

This Friday - There is a Town Meeting at 2pm at the school

Tuesday, April 25th - Square 1 Art orders due (see below for details)

Tuesday, April 25th - Wickliffe Wolves Around the World multicultural event open to all Wickliffe families from 6pm - 7:30pm at the school. We hope you can join us for an evening of performances, artwork, food and fashion!

Have a great week.
Lindsay and Dawn


Dates to remember

April 18-19: 4/5 math state test

April 19: Town Meeting @ 2 p.m.

April 24-25: 3rd math state test

April 25: Wickliffe Wolves Around the World @ 6-7:30 p.m.

April 26-27: 5th science state test


May 5th: Flower pick up

May 8: PTO general meeting @ 7 p.m.

May 8 - 12th: Staff Appreciation Week

May 12 - May 19th: Spring Book Fair  

May 12: Wickapalooza

May 19: 5th grade party

May 25: 5th grade Graduation Town Meeting @ 8:45 a.m.

News and links to our website:
DEI discussions

Coming up! Wickliffe Wolves Around the World, Tuesday, April 25, 6-7:30 p.m. Share performances, artwork, facts, food, and fashion! Sign up here if you'd like to participate or help. We'll see you there - it's free and all are welcome. 

April is Arab American Heritage Month and Celebrate Diversity Month, and April 14 is National Day of Silence

Square 1 Art fundraiser

Your student's custom catalog for the Square 1 Art fundraiser came home with your student last week. In it, are your students reusable stickers with their artwork. Use this catalog to order your keepsake today! Additionally, if you would prefer to order online you can do so at square1art.com/shop by using the Art Search field.

All orders are due by 4/25/2023.

Wickapalooza Family Music Festival

Please mark your calendars to join us for the second annual Wickpalooza Outdoor Music Festival. Come enjoy this family friendly evening at the school with a performance from Wickliffe's very own Golden Star Choir, food trucks, arts and crafts, bounce houses, the spring book fair, live music, and so much more!

Friday, May 12
6-9 p.m.
Outside at Wickliffe

Who had fun tie-dying at Wickapalooza last year? If so, now is your chance to pre-order this year's new Wickapalooza T-shirt to be tie-dyed at the festival. DEADLINE TO ORDER SHIRTS IS THIS WEDNESDAY (TOMORROW) APRIL 19TH - we will not be selling this year's new shirt at the event. You have to pre-order.

Staff Appreciation Week of May 8

Staff Appreciation week is coming up on May 8. We have some exciting things planned and we need your help!

  1. Please sign up to bring in your famous dishes for a Potluck Lunch for our teachers on Wednesday, May 10 - Here is the Sign Up Genius. All food and drinks will need to be dropped off by 10:45 a.m. on Wednesday, May 10. If bringing in a crockpot, etc., please make sure to pick up after school.

  2. Please have your children write Thank You cards to bring in that week to their teachers. Don't forget our Art, Music, and Gym teachers and all of our other teachers and staff.

  3. PTO will provide breakfast that week and a few other items. Most of our budget went to decorating the teacher's lounge this year.

Yard games needed for 5th grade experience

The 5th grade experience committee is looking to borrow yard games (think Giant Jenga, Connect Four, Cornhole, etc.) for the 5th grade graduation party on May 25. If you have any of these items that you'd be willing to loan, please contact Sarah Ackman at sackman19@gmail.com

Birthday bag donations

Mrs. Miller's and Mrs. Oberlin’s classes are collecting donations for birthday bags. These bags will be donated to Heart to Heart Food Pantry and given to people who can’t afford a cake to celebrate their special day.

We are collecting cake mixes, candles, icing, and disposable cake pans. Thank you in advance for your donations. There will be a collection box in the school lobby during the month of April.

We need volunteers!

Lunch volunteers - new dates available 
Our fabulous Chef Jane could use two volunteers every day for lunch. It is a super fun way to contribute and see all the students at lunch time. Sign up here:


Chef Jane would love to have a list of subs who are available certain days of the week and can be called or contacted in case the person who signed up needs to cancel. This way if you can't make your shift you can look at the sub list and work on finding a replacement. Please click here to add yourself to the sub list.

Walking Club
We are looking for Walking Club volunteers! There are many spots available. Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. It's lots of fun! Thank you!

After School Discovery dismissal
Wickliffe PTO's After School Discovery spring session started yesterday, and we still need parent volunteers to help with dismissal to make sure that our kids get from the exit door to their adult picking them up. This is a very short 20-30-minute volunteer session, and it is so important to help keep everyone safe! Please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0549a9a72ca2fc1-dismissal1#/. Thank you!

Classroom helpers
The Wickliffe PTO is looking for some helpers. Our teachers have so much on their plates and we are looking to lighten their load by starting a room parent program. We have gathered teacher requests and are now looking to fill these spots. Do you have a few minutes a week to devote to this and want to learn more? Just fill out this form!

Staff Appreciation Week Potluck Lunch 
Please sign up to bring in your famous dishes for a Potluck Lunch for our teachers on Wednesday, May 10. Here is the sign up. All food and drinks will need to be dropped off by 10:45 a.m. on Wednesday, May 10. If bringing in a crockpot, etc., please make sure to pick up after school.

Wickliffe Wolves Around the World
Sign up here if you'd like to participate in or help at our first-ever Wickliffe Wolves Around the World multicultural night on Tuesday, April 25. 



Help us stock the teachers' lounge!

We are doing a 6-week rotation. Now it is time for all 4th and 5th grade families to contribute.


We love our teachers and want to stock their lounge! Please sign up here and let everyone know what you are bringing, so we make sure to provide everything they want. Please leave on the front steps of Katie McShane Peluso (Jack & Giulia's mom) 2705 Kent Road or drop off in the teacher's lounge by May 12 - just make a note of where you're dropping off. Thanks! 

Spring Flower Sale - Pickup May 5th

Plant Sale pick up is Friday, 5/5/23 from 4:30-7pm in the Wickliffe parking lot.

Follow the signs into the Wickliffe Road parking lot and pickup the plants that were ordered  from your student.

Thanks for supporting the plant sale fundraiser!

Have extra time that day? We would love extra hands to help with the pick up event!
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4FAAAF22A5F58-flower3

BoxTop for Education

BoxTop for Education

Dear Families,

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to support our school? 

Box Tops for Education has been around for over 25 years, and it really can make a difference. In fact, the Box Tops program has helped give almost one billion dollars to schools since 1996. 

The Box Tops app gives participants the ability to earn for any school across the country with just the touch of a button. Plus, the Box Tops app allows you to search for schools that could use a little extra help, so you can help give students in low-income schools the opportunity to succeed. 

Learn More »     Download Flyer »

Mabel's Labels

Mabel's Labels

Help kids keep track of their stuff while also preventing the overflow of the lost & found! Labeling easily lost items like coats and sweatshirts is easy with Mabel's Labels!. The PTO has partnered with Mabel's Labels to help all lost items find their way back home with the extra benefit of raising money for the Wickliffe PTO! 

Visit https://mabelslabels.com/en_US/, go to Menu, then Support a Fundraiser. From there, you'll type in Wickliffe. Then begin shopping! Every order gets the PTO a percentage of the price.

Learn More »

Tuesday, April 18
8:30a 4th/5th grade state testing - Math
Wednesday, April 19
8:30a 4th/5th grade state testing - Math
2:00p Wickliffe Town Meeting
Monday, April 24
8:30a 3rd grade state testing - Math
Tuesday, April 25
8:30a 3rd grade state testing - Math
6:00p Wickliffe PTO Multicultural Night
Wednesday, April 26
8:30a 5th grade state testing - Science
Thursday, April 27
8:30a 5th grade state testing - Science
Monday, May 1
No school for students- staff report per schedule
Tuesday, May 2
Election Day- no school for students- staff professional learning
Friday, May 5
Flower pickup - tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 5, 2023
Flower Sale pick up - 4:30-7pm
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Thursday, May 11
3:00p Golden Star Choir dress rehearsal
Friday, May 12
Bookfair opening night/parent night
8:30a Golden Star Choir school performance
6:00p PTO Spring Celebration / Golden Star Choir
Monday, May 15
The Bookfair will be open to students at school
Tuesday, May 16
The Bookfair will be open to students at school
Wednesday, May 17
The Bookfair will be open to students at school
Thursday, May 18
The Bookfair will be open to students at school
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Friday, May 19
The Bookfair will be open to students at school
5th grade party
Thursday, May 25
Graduation Townhall
Cookie and Juice reception:
Early dismissal (K-12) - Last day students
Friday, May 26
Teacher work day- staff report per schedule
Thank you to our 2022/2023 sponsors!
Wade Orthodontics
Compass Homes
Mess Orthodontics

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! 

Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2022/2023 Sponsor!

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