Originally delivered on 5/17/2022 3:01 pm

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (5.17.2022)

What to watch for this week:
A note from Wickliffe's PTO President

Our first annual Wickapalooza was a huge success! The weather was perfect, our community showed up, and the love could be felt all around! THANK YOU for your help in making the night a success. We all contributed in some way.... by showing up and cheering on the Golden Star Choir, by volunteering your time, or by helping a friend so they could be a volunteer. It was a great reminder of why I love our community so much. 

I also want to thank Mrs. Benentt, Mrs. Santilli, Miss Jessica, Miss Ritchey, and Mrs. Fisher for working so hard this year to make Golden Star Choir happen. Thank you to Dr. Eirich, Ms. Kearney, Mrs. McEvoy for the beautiful dedication to Chris. I couldn't help but think of him and how much he would have loved this event. 

I can't believe the end of the year is upon us! There's still lots going on so please read on and don't forget: 

  • Rita’s restaurant night – Wednesday, May 18
  • General PTO meeting – Monday, May 23 
  • Fifth grade party – Wednesday, May 25
  • Field Day -  Tuesday, May 31
  • Fifth grade town hall and clap out – Wednesday, June 1


Dawn Hofherr, PTO President

News and links to our website:
Our fourth and fifth graders have been studying financial literacy as part of our social studies curriculum. A part of their experience is to become entrepreneurs! They have worked in teams to plan and design a product, mass-produce and advertise their product and, finally, on Thursday, May 19, they will be selling their products so they can practice their financial literacy skills in this real-life simulation! We thank you in advance for supporting our curriculum by helping your child be a buyer in our simulation. All items will be $2 or less. We will have limited change available, so sending your child in with dollars and quarters is essential. This is a great opportunity for your child to earn and plan their budget.
PTO general meeting
The last general PTO meeting will be held on Monday, May 23, at 7 p.m. at Wickliffe. During this meeting, we will vote on the executive committee for the 22/23 school year and talk about open committee positions moving into next year. Looking forward to seeing you there! 
Lost & found and label fundraiser
The lost & found closet is OVERFLOWING with sweatshirts, water bottles, jackets, and much, much more! We will donate everything that is not claimed by THIS FRIDAY, May 20. Please stop in if your student is missing anything! 
One way to prevent the overflow of the lost & found is by labeling easily lost items like coats and sweatshirts. The PTO has partnered with Mabel's Labels to help all lost items find their way back home with the extra benefit of raising money for the Wickliffe PTO! 
Visit https://mabelslabels.com/en_US/, go to Menu, then Support a Fundraiser. From there, you'll type in Wickliffe. Then begin shopping! Every order gets the PTO a percentage of the price. This fundraiser is available from May 2 until Halloween. 
Restaurant fundraiser - Rita's Italian Ice

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our May restaurant fundraiser will be on Wednesday, May 18, at Rita's Italian Ice on 2116 W Henderson Rd. Treat your kids (and yourself) to celebrate the end of the school year!

Visit anytime from 1–10 p.m., mention Wickliffe, and Wickliffe PTO will receive 20% back!

Download Flyer »

Calling volunteers for FIELD DAY!

On Tuesday, May 31, Wickliffe will be participating in the Super Games Field Day thanks to the generosity of the Wickliffe PTO. This is the type of field day where the Adventure Education Company “Super Games” from Worthington brings the big equipment to the field area outside, along with water games and other activities on the blacktop. We are excited to be bringing back field day as our students haven’t had the opportunity to experience this these last two years. That being said, in order to make this day a success, we need the help of our caregivers!

If you would like to volunteer, please use this link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050C4CABAD28A4F49-wickliffe.

You may also email your response Mrs. Ritchey, our physical education teacher, at brichey@uaschools.org. As we get closer to the event, Mrs. Ritchey will contact caregivers directly to provide details. 

Morning session - 8:30-11:05 a.m.
Eirich, Kernan, Giles, Tasio, Blake, Bell, Jentgen, Hamilton, Silverman, Mabry

Afternoon session 12:05-2:30 p.m.
Craycraft, Pilutti, Coplin,  Blair, Nocera, Oberlin, Hughes, DW, Williams, Miller

Wickliffe fifth grade celebrations!

Dear fifth grade families,

Please see the information below regarding upcoming events and activities for our fifth graders.

Wickliffe fifth grade celebrations:

  • Fifth grade only outdoor lunches - Thursdays, May 5, 12, 19 and 26 - during lunch time - thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help!

  • Fifth grade party - Wednesday, May 25, 3-5 p.m. (Wickliffe playground/blacktop area). The fifth graders will enjoy pizza, a DJ, The Kona Ice truck, games, and more! We need to know if your student is attending, any food allergies, and how they will be getting home! Please note, students cannot leave the party earlyPlease complete this form by Wednesday, May 18. Pick-up following the party will be on the back side of the building (morning car drop off area on Eastcleft). Thank you to all of the parents who have signed up to volunteer! Here is a link to the sign up sheet.

  • Fifth grade town meeting/graduation - Wednesday, June 1, at 8:45 a.m. in the school gym. The whole school will come together as the teachers, staff, and students celebrate our graduating fifth graders. Only parents/closest caregivers of fifth graders are invited to attend due to limited space, and the town meeting will be recorded to share with extended family.

  • Students should arrive to school as normal, and are encouraged to wear their graduation t-shirt.

  • Parents and caregivers can enter the school building at 8:30 a.m. - please sign-in and take a visitor sticker.

  • Following the town meeting, there will be a cookie reception by the wishing tree at the front of the building for the fifth graders, their fourth grade classmates, and fifth grade parents and caregivers who attended the town meeting, ending at 10:45 a.m. We're looking forward to celebrating with you!

  • Fifth grade clap out  - Wednesday, June 1, at 12:15 p.m.

  • The clap out will take place in two parts - one inside the building and one outside. Fifth graders will tour the halls inside the building so the school can clap for them; families will be doing the clap out outside of the building.

  • We will begin the inside portion of the clap out at around 12:15 p.m. This means our fifth graders will be exiting the 4/5 doors around 12:30 p.m. for the families’ part of the clap out. Please arrive by 12:15 p.m.

  • Review the diagram here so you know the path that the fifth graders will take during the outside clap out. We are asking that families please spread out along this path so the fifth graders are cheered for the entire time.

  • Feel free to make a sign congratulating ALL fifth graders on their accomplishment.

  • As the kids pass, please feel free to make your way to the castle playground where our fifth graders will gather for pictures. (Fifth graders are encouraged to wear their graduation t-shirts on the last day of school!)

  • If you plan to take your child home after the clap out, please make arrangements as to where they need to meet you. Otherwise, fifth graders should return to their classrooms for regular dismissal.

Please contact Lauren Evans at lkgevans@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Fifth Grade Graduation Planning Team

May school lunch menu
Want to get more involved next year? 

As this school year winds down, we are turning our focus to planning for the next school year. Our success as a parent organization is a reflection of our volunteers... we couldn't do it without you. If you have thought about getting more involved next year but aren't sure how, please reach out to us! We are actively searching to fill many different opportunities. Email wickliffepto@gmail.com to let us know your interests and we will match you with an opportunity that fits your interests, skills, and time commitment! 

Help our new garden grow!

Our new garden needs: 

  • potting soil for the six new garden boxes
  • a place to keep gardening tools like a small plastic shed or deck box that we can place near the garden
Contact Marta Ackley at martaroberson@hotmail.com if you would like to donate these items, or just bring them into the office! Also, look for a Sign-Up Genius soon for summer watering and maintaining! 
Counselor's Corner - 5.17.2022

Spring into summer!

It’s almost time for summer, and we know our students are excited! Here are some ideas for having a fun and relaxing break.

1. Have screen-free summer days 

There are so many things to do in Columbus over the summer! Take a break from your devices and go explore! Here are some ideas for things to do and places to visit:

  • Franklin Park Conservatory – The conservatory has classes and programs throughout the summer

  • The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium – Visit the zoo to see all of the new animals born over the winter!

  • COSI - The Center of Science and Industry always has different events and exhibits - sign up for their e-newsletter to get all the info!

  • Festivals and events: Columbus Asian Festival (May 28-29, virtual), Columbus Arts Festival (June 10-12), Red, White, and BOOM (July 1), and The Ohio State Fair (July 27-August 7) are just a few of our favorites! For more, visit experiencecolumbus.com.

  • Play outside! Summer is a great time to spend time outdoors and get some exercise. Kids can play in their neighborhoods, a local park, or one of the beautiful free metro parks! Check out the natural play area at Highbanks Metro Park, or find one close to you at http://www.metroparks.net.

  • Too hot to play outside? Visit COSI, the Columbus Museum of Art, or take a free trip to the Statehouse.

  • Stratford Ecological Center – The ecological center runs all kinds of programs all summer long from beekeeping to book talks. Find out more about the center and their programs at https://stratfordecologicalcenter.org

  • Technology tip – When kids do use their devices, it’s important to consider age restrictions on social media. This article (from 2014) explains why social media age restrictions matter.

2. Be safe

Summer is a great time to play outside or in the pool! While having fun, make sure to be safe!

  • There should always be an adult watching when kids are in or around water. 

  • Wear a properly fitted life jacket if you go boating.

  • Beat the heat: Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. On hot days, schedule outdoor activities during morning and evening hours.

  • Prevent sunburns: Cover up your skin and use sunscreen every time you go outside.

  • Use bug spray and check for ticks when spending time outdoors.

3. Learn a new skill

Do you have a lot of free time during the day that you would normally spend at school? Why not learn a new skill! Learning new skills is fun! Some can even help you relax once the school year begins again.

  • Learn to cook: Ask family members to teach you their favorite recipes, or look one up together!

  • Get artistic. Summer gives us beautiful scenes to draw or paint! Look outdoors for inspiration, and draw or paint what you see. Or use a device or camera to take pictures!

  • Music: Do you have an instrument in your house? Ask your grownups for permission to look up lessons on YouTube and start creating music!

  • Help your family around the house. As kids get older, they can handle more responsibility around the house. Summer could be a great time to learn how to help! Learn the dog walking route or how to help clean the kitchen.

  • Learn a new language. Did you know that kids are better at learning new languages than adults? Now is the perfect time to learn! Ask someone who speaks another language to teach you, or use an app with your grownups’ permission. Here are some app suggestions: https://elearningindustry.com/10-best-language-learning-apps-for-kids

  • Get crafty. There are so many crafts you could make in the summer! Check out these flowers you can make out of toilet paper rolls: http://www.pbs.org/parents/crafts-for-kids/paper-roll-daffodils/

4. Have fun!

We hope you have a fun and relaxing summer! Taking time for fun and play is important for your health and wellbeing. It will also help you start next school year as your best self. We can’t wait to hear about everything you do and learn over the summer!

Please do not hesitate to contact the members of the Wickliffe counseling team if you have any questions or concerns!

Felice R. Kassoy

Wednesday, May 18
Rita's Restaurant fundraiser
Monday, May 23
Wickliffe PTO General Meeting
7:00p General PTO Meeting
Wednesday, May 25
3:00p Fifth-grade Party
7:00p Drug Safety Presentation
Monday, May 30
No School- Students and Staff- Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 31
Wickliffe Field Day
Wednesday, June 1
Early dismissal (K-12) - Last day students
Thursday, June 2
Teacher work day- staff report per schedule
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2021-2022 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics
614-582-9082 Krystin.Macaluso@cbrealty.com

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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