Originally delivered on 5/10/2022 10:01 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (5.10.2022)

What to watch for this week:

THANK YOU to all our volunteers and donators who helped make staff appreciation week and spring flower pick-up big successes! None of these great events would be possible without this awesome collaborative community. 

We have another big week this week with the book fair and Wickapalooza! Read below for more info and to sign-up to volunteer.

And, don't forget:

  • Rita’s restaurant night – Wednesday, May 18
  • General PTO meeting – Monday, May 23 
  • Fifth grade party – Wednesday, May 25
  • Field Day -  Tuesday, May 31
  • Fifth grade town hall and clap out – Wednesday, June 1
News and links to our website:
Wickapalooza Family Music Festival - Friday, May 13

We hope you will join us for our first annual Wickapalooza Music Festival this Friday

  • Date: Friday, May 13

  • Location: The back of the school 

  • Time: 6-9 p.m.

  • Food: Four food trucks will be onsite: Kona Ice, Ninja Bowl (Japanese street food), woodfired pizza, and a hotdog/brat stand

  • What to bring: Blankets, chairs, and cash*

  • Volunteers: This event is not possible without the volunteer support of our community. WE REALLY NEED VOLUNTEERS!!!Some of our activity stations currently have no volunteers signed up. We broke the night up into three time slots so you can volunteer and still enjoy most of the festival with your family. Thank you to those that have already signed up. Please consider volunteering and encourage others to volunteer as well. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4faaaf22a5f58-wickapalooza

  • Activities: The main stage will have performances from Golden Star Choir, a dedication to Chris Collaros, a magician, and the Shazzbots musical group. Other onsite activities include bounce houses, Tie-dye station, hair coloring, music craft, temporary tattoos, and a sidewalk chalk mural. The book fair will be open and spirit wear will be for sale!

  • Punch cards/cash*: Hey! Avoid the line! We encourage families to bring cash to the event to purchase punch cards. Each punch card costs $10 and can be used to buy popcorn, bottled water, temporary tattoos, glow wands, and tie dye materials. Credit cards can be accepted for these items but we anticipate a longer line for those transactions. We are also selling 50/50 raffle tickets to fundraise for the new playground and these tickets are CASH ONLY!

Restaurant fundraiser - Rita's Italian Ice

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our May restaurant fundraiser will be on Wednesday May 18 at Rita's Italian Ice on 2116 W Henderson Rd. Treat your kids (and yourself) to celebrate the end of the school year!

Visit anytime from 1 p.m.–10 p.m., mention Wickliffe, and Wickliffe PTO will receive 20% back!

Download Flyer »

Spring Flower Sale


Thank you to everyone who braved the rain last Friday to both volunteer and pick up flower orders. This year’s spring flower pick up has to have set a record as the rainiest pick-up ever!  As you can imagine, we have found there were a few mix-ups in orders. We invite you to contact us with any concerns by emailing Andrea at andreabartosch@live.com. We will be able to resolve any mix-ups that are reported by Wednesday of this week. Again, thank you for your support!

Book fair this week
Students will be bringing home their book fair wishlists printed on envelopes. Use that envelope to send back money to purchase books, if you choose. There are more details on the wishlist/envelope. All orders are due this Friday, May 13.
More information regarding the book fair can be found in this letter.
And, we need some volunteers to:
  • help children select books for their wishlists,
  • ring up purchases, and
  • deliver books to classrooms.
Sign up here:
Volunteer to help with After School Discovery dismissal!

This is our final call for volunteers for After School Discovery dismissal! We are in need of volunteers from 3:45-4:15 on:

Tuesday, May 10
Thursday, May 12
Tuesday, May 17

Can you help?? Sign up at https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70a0549a9a72ca2fc1-spring1

Volunteering is easy - it is just a 30-minute time commitment from 3:45-4:15. You will get a list of the students to be dismissed, and your job is to help them get to where they need to go - either to SACC, out the door to walk home, or to meet their grown-up who will be picking them up in the front of the school. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the kids and hopefully chat with another adult volunteer (our goal is two grown-ups per session). Especially if you have a child you will be picking up anyway, please consider coming a bit early to help out. We can't do it without you!

May school lunch menu
Calling volunteers for FIELD DAY!

On Tuesday, May 31, Wickliffe will be participating in the Super Games Field Day thanks to the generosity of the Wickliffe PTO. This is the type of field day where the Adventure Education Company “Super Games” from Worthington brings the big equipment to the field area outside, along with water games and other activities on the blacktop. We are excited to be bringing back field day as our students haven’t had the opportunity to experience this these last two years. That being said, in order to make this day a success, we need the help of our caregivers!

If you would like to volunteer, please use this link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050C4CABAD28A4F49-wickliffe.

You may also email your response Mrs. Ritchey, our physical education teacher, at brichey@uaschools.org. As we get closer to the event, Mrs. Ritchey will contact caregivers directly to provide details. 

Morning session - 8:30-11:05 a.m.
Eirich, Kernan, Giles, Tasio, Blake, Bell, Jentgen, Hamilton, Silverman, Mabry

Afternoon session 12:05-2:30 p.m.
Craycraft, Pilutti, Coplin,  Blair, Nocera, Oberlin, Hughes, DW, Williams, Miller

Want to get more involved next year? 

As this school year winds down, we are turning our focus to planning for the next school year. Our success as a parent organization is a reflection of our volunteers... we couldn't do it without you. If you have thought about getting more involved next year but aren't sure how, please reach out to us! We are actively searching to fill many different opportunities. Email wickliffepto@gmail.com to let us know your interests and we will match you with an opportunity that fits your interests, skills, and time commitment! 

Wickliffe fifth grade celebrations!

Dear fifth grade families,

Please see the information below regarding upcoming events and activities for our fifth graders.

Wickliffe fifth grade celebrations:

  • Fifth grade only outdoor lunches - Thursdays, May 5, 12, 19 and 26 - during lunchtime. Thank you to the caregivers who have volunteered to help!

  • Fifth grade party - Wednesday, May 25, 3-5 p.m. at the Wickliffe playground/blacktop area. The fifth graders will enjoy pizza, a DJ, the Kona Ice truck, games, and more! We need your help to make this party a success! Please click here to volunteer!

  • Fifth grade town meeting/graduation - Wednesday, June 1, at 8:45 a.m. in the school gym. The whole school will come together as the teachers, staff, and students celebrate our graduating fifth graders. Only parents/closest caregivers of fifth graders are invited to attend due to limited space, and we plan to record the town meeting to share with extended family. We are excited to celebrate with you all!

  • Fifth grade clap out - Wednesday, June 1, at 12:45 p.m. - Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate the fifth graders on the last day of school (more details to come as we get closer).

Please contact Lauren Evans at lkgevans@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Fifth Grade Graduation Planning Team

Counselors' Corner 5.10.2022

Food for Thought

Creating a welcoming place for all students and families is an ongoing goal at Wickliffe. One of the many ways to broaden our understanding of each other is to engage in conversations with our children about different cultures. This video is a great introduction to teach young children this concept.

Another way to teach children about diversity is by learning about the different *heritage* months designated by our government. May 1 was the first day of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Here's a great  article that explains why it's more important than ever to teach kids about AAPI culture and history, plus it includes fun activities for celebrating together. In addition, this care package from the Smithsonian provides additional resources for us as adults to grow in our understanding of AAPI heritage.

Jewish Heritage Month is also celebrated in May. This article provides links to exhibits, collections, and videos geared toward adults. And on the ADL website there is a list of K-12 educational and family resources to bring Jewish American Heritage Month to schools, communities, and homes.

Thank you for having these important conversations with your children. They are our hope for the future.

Felice (and the rest of the counseling team)

Tuesday, May 10
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair - May 9-13
Wednesday, May 11
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair - May 9-13
Thursday, May 12
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair - May 9-13
Friday, May 13
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair - May 9-13
PTO Wickapalooza and Golden Star Choir Performance
Wednesday, May 18
Rita's Restaurant fundraiser
Monday, May 23
Wickliffe PTO General Meeting
7:00p General PTO Meeting
Wednesday, May 25
3:00p Fifth-grade Party
Monday, May 30
No School- Students and Staff- Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 31
Wickliffe Field Day
Wednesday, June 1
Early dismissal (K-12) - Last day students
Thursday, June 2
Teacher work day- staff report per schedule
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2021-2022 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics
614-582-9082 Krystin.Macaluso@cbrealty.com

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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