Originally delivered on 2/22/2022 11:28 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (2.22.2022)

What to watch for this week:

Happy TWOsday - 2/22/22! This week, we are focusing on:

  • Our super secret plan to honor a Wickliffe VIP upon retirement
  • Volunteer opportunities for Walking Club and the Informal Art Show
  • Flower sale starts today!
  • And more! 
News and links to our website:
Volunteer opportunities
Informal Art Show

Wickliffe's very first Informal Art Show is only a week away! March 1-3 from 6-8 p.m.

Your Wickliffe student has created a unique art piece which will be on display and available for you to purchase at the event! Save time at the door by purchasing your raffle tickets in advance! Raffle items will include Teacher Experiences, Adult Beverage Wagons, Parent Nights Out in UA... much more! 
  • March 1 - Last name beginning with A - I
  • March 2 - Last name beginning with J - Q
  • March 3 - Last name beginning with R - Z
If you are unable to attend on your assigned date, please join us on the evening that works best for your family!
Framed artwork will be ready for pick up on the following dates: Thursday, March 24, from 3-6 p.m. and Saturday, March 26, from 9-11 a.m. at Wickliffe. 



March’s Restaurant Night - Bibibop

March’s Restaurant Night - Bibibop 

Wednesday, March 9

General PTO meeting

Mark your calendars! The next general PTO meeting is Monday, March 7, at 7 p.m. at Wickliffe. We offer three general meetings a year - these are great opportunities for parents/caregivers to come and learn more about how the PTO is working to serve our community. We are excited to see you there! An agenda will be sent out in the upcoming weeks!

Shhh... it's a secret...

Shhh... it's a secret...
Marvin, our beloved custodian that all students know and love, is retiring before the end of the school year. Marvin does not want to be recognized; however, we can not let the opportunity go to celebrate him in some way. Marvin has loved and helped take care of our children for many, many years. Please help us honor Marvin by creating cards or pictures with your children for Marvin and drop them off in the office. The PTO will collect all cards/pictures and gift them to Marvin before his last day. The PTO is also purchasing a gift card for Marvin; if you would like to contribute to this gift card, you can leave cash or a check written to the Wickliffe PTO at the front desk with Teresa. Alternatively, you can VEMO @dawn-hofherr with the subject "Marvin."

The deadline for participating is Wednesday, March 9!

Thanks in advance for helping us celebrate Marvin!

Flower sale starts today!

The Spring Flower Sale starts today, February 22, and will run through Tuesday, March 8! Catalogues will be coming home with your child this week and you will also receive an email with individual information for your child. Flower pickup is scheduled for May 6, 2022.

February school lunch menu
Play UA financial assistance program

The City of Upper Arlington Parks & Rec Department has a new financial assistance program called PLAY UA. This webpage has more information regarding specific departments (aquatics, recreation & activities, senior center and tennis): https://upperarlingtonoh.gov/parks-recreation/play-ua-financial-assistance-program/. Residents can apply now and be eligible for discounts on Parks & Rec programming.

2022 UACA Golden Apple Awards

It's Golden Apple season in Upper Arlington! The Golden Apple Award is an annual recognition of special teachers, staff, and/or administrators for each school in Upper Arlington!

The nominations window continues through March 1. Nominations can be submitted by students, colleagues, parents, community members, etc. Awards will be announced in late March/early April. 

Thank you for all you do for Upper Arlington's students!

2022 UACA Golden Apple Awards (PDF)

Wolf Den

The Wickliffe PTO is always looking for ways to support the families in our school community.

In the past, the Wolf Den was created for families who found themselves needing a little extra support for basic necessities (food, clothing, etc). We have gift cards available and want to honor the privacy of any family seeking this support. Ms. Evans will be the point of contact to receive a gift card and she will distribute them as well. To utilize the Wolf Den support please email her at alevans@uaschools.org

Counselors' Corner 2.22.2022

Food for Thought:

Staying on top of the current research regarding screen time can be challenging at best. There is a plethora of information to be read and some can even seem contradicting. Common Sense Media is a source that I use to guide my understanding.

Here are two resources from them (an article and a fact sheet) that present two sides of the same coin – social media harms for our youth and how not to demonize the use of screens during the pandemic.

I think it is important to recognize that screens are here to stay and in some ways have been a lifeline, especially during this pandemic, to learning and staying connected. AND there are inherent risks in social media which we must acknowledge and use to provide guidance for our children.

As always, I hope this information is helpful for you. Together, as a family and school, we can support these children as they learn to safely navigate the use of screens and the content they will encounter.

If there is any topic that you would like me to explore, please reach out to me at fkassoy@uaschools.org

Felice (and the rest of the counseling team)

Tuesday, February 22
The Spring Flower Sale Begins
Monday, March 7
7:00p PTO General Meeting
7:00p Wickliffe PTO General Meeting
Tuesday, March 8
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 9
10:30a March’s Restaurant Night - Bibibop
10:30a PTO Bibibop Restaurant Night
Friday, March 11
End of second trimester (Kindergarten-grade 5) and third quarter (grades 6-12)
Monday, March 14
Spring Break- March 14 - March 18
Tuesday, March 15
Spring Break- March 14 - March 18
Wednesday, March 16
Spring Break- March 14 - March 18
Thursday, March 17
Spring Break- March 14 - March 18
Friday, March 18
Spring Break- March 14 - March 18
Monday, March 21
No school students- staff report per schedule
Tuesday, April 12
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2021-2022 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics
614-582-9082 Krystin.Macaluso@cbrealty.com

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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