Originally delivered on 1/18/2022 10:29 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (1.18.2022)

What to watch for this week:

Despite COVID continuing to impact our plans, our Informal Affair committee has found a great way to still have a fundraiser while avoiding a big gathering. The Informal Art Show will feature our student artists and exciting raffle items. Read below for more details! 

Golden Apple

Have someone in mind at Wickliffe who is deserving of a Golden Apple Award? Below is information on how to nominate and vote for staff, teachers, and administrators at our favorite school. 

Kindergarten information night updates

Kindergarten information night will now be Wednesday, February 9, 6:30 p.m., via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99929595204. Please share this meeting link to any new Kindergarten families you know who might be interested in Wickliffe. They can also contact Angela Evans (alevans@uaschools.org) with additional questions. A recording of the information night will be available on our district YouTube account for anyone who is unable to attend the meeting. 

Volunteer opportunities 

As always, we have some great volunteer opportunities coming up. Don't have a lot of time? No worries! Most are them are minimal time commitment and fun! Read more below and sign up today!

News and links to our website:
Volunteers needed for ASD student dismissal

We’re so close to having a full sign-up for our Wickliffe PTO ASD student dismissal!

Could you please take a look at the remaining spots on the Sign-Up Genius and see where you might be free to help? (Psst - it’s a quick 35-min time commitment.)


Coffee Cart


Two Coffee Cart dates left in January! Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and/or donated items! Click on the link below to volunteer or donate items. Email Jen Waddell at jenniferawaddell@yahoo.com with any questions.


2022 UACA Golden Apple Awards

It's Golden Apple season in Upper Arlington! The Golden Apple Award is an annual recognition of special teachers, staff, and/or administrators for each school in Upper Arlington!

The nominations window opened last Friday, January 7, and continues through March 1. Nominations can be submitted by students, colleagues, parents, community members, etc. Awards will be announced in late March/early April. 

Thank you for all you do for Upper Arlington's students!

2022 UACA Golden Apple Awards (PDF)

Informal Affair updates

Informal Affair Updates 
- 2021/2022 Informal Affair -

Given the current state of COVID-9, we have decided not to hold the Informal Affair event in February as planned. The committee is are making some adjustments to the event so we can have a fundraiser of some sort while keeping our commitment to the health and safety of our Wickliffe families.

In lieu of the event planned for February 12, we are introducing the “Informal Art Show” to celebrate our talented students and showcase their artwork.

The Informal Art Show will run March 1-3 from 6-8 p.m. at Wickliffe, and each student will have their individual artwork on display. The event is free for the whole family to attend, and your student’s piece of art will be available to purchase. Volunteers will frame the art that is purchased and families will be able to pick up their child’s art at a later time.

We will also have items and activities to raffle off at the Informal Art Show. More details will be available as we get closer to the show in March.

Although the Informal Affair will not take place as planned, we continue to strive toward our purpose – providing fun-filled events with the goal of raising money for the cultural arts and educational enrichment programs for our Wickliffe students.

We look forward to continuing our mission and bringing back an even bigger and better Informal Affair on November 19!

Beverage Wagon donations
This year at our Informal Art nights at Wickliffe, we are planning to raffle off a variety of baskets, experiences and prizes. Part of the raffle will include Beverage Wagons. There will be beer, wine and liquor wagons to be raffled off. The beer is being donated and we thought it would be fun for our community to come together to fill the wine and liquor wagon. Please consider donating a favorite bottle of wine, liquor, liqueur, or mixer to add to the wagon. Maybe you have something fun left over from a holiday gathering, or you are stocked up on your favorite bourbon and have an extra bottle you can share. Donations can be dropped off at 3095 Derby Road inside the plastic tub on the front porch. Thank you and cheers!



Wolf Den

The Wickliffe PTO is always looking for ways to support the families in our school community.

In the past, the Wolf Den was created for families who found themselves needing a little extra support for basic necessities (food, clothing, etc). We have gift cards available and want to honor the privacy of any family seeking this support. Ms. Evans will be the point of contact to receive a gift card and she will distribute them as well. To utilize the Wolf Den support please email her at alevans@uaschools.org

Walking Club coordinator needed
Walking Club is back starting February 1, giving students an opportunity to get moving by walking laps during lunch recess. Each lap earns a foot charm. We are looking for someone to take over the coordination of Walking Club. It's super easy and doesn't take much time. Walking Club will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays - outside during outdoor recess and indoors in the gym on indoor recess days. Please contact Dawn Hofherr at dawn.kuritz@gmail.com if you are interested or want to know more! 

Upcoming Family Coffee Conversation:

What exactly is Social Emotional Learning, or SEL

You may be hearing this phrase more frequently and know that it is an important part of a child’s development, but it can be challenging to fully embrace something that you might not know a lot about.

Please join Angela Evans and Felice Kassoy for a one-hour Zoom during the lunch hour (noon-1 p.m.) this Thursday, January 20. We will focus on what SEL looks like at school and at home. Information will be provided to better understand this framework, as well as the opportunity for reflections, questions, and an open discussion about how to implement SEL in your child’s life. Use this link: https://zoom.us/my/wickliffeprincipal

Food for Thought:

This weekend’s tragic news of a hostage situation at a Texas synagogue on the Sabbath and the death of an Asian woman at the Times Square subway station are stark reminders of the need to have ongoing conversations with our children about the life of Martin Luther King Jr and his teachings.

Denene Millner’s article reminds us “how the passion, righteousness, ideals, and actions of even one person can change our entire world for the better.”

Dr. King's message “[to] treat our fellow man equally, judge people ‘by the content of their character, not the color of their skin,’ and have enough decency and respect for ourselves to lift our voices and seek what we think is rightfully ours without resorting to violence to get it” is worth repeating to ourselves and our children. Without ongoing conversations, advocacy, and action in our homes, at school, and throughout the community, Dr. King’s words will never be fully actualized.

Felice (and the rest of the counseling team)

Thursday, January 20
12:00p Parent Coffee with Dr. Kassoy and Ms. Evans about Social Emotional Learning
Thursday, January 27
Elementary Early Dismissal (Grades K-5)
Tuesday, February 8
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Wednesday, February 9
6:30p Wickliffe Virtual Kindergarten Information Night
Wednesday, February 16
Early Dismissal (K-12)
Monday, February 21
No School- Students and Staff- Presidents' Day
Tuesday, March 8
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2021-2022 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics
614-582-9082 Krystin.Macaluso@cbrealty.com

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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