Originally delivered on 12/7/2021 9:01 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (12.07.2021)

What to watch for this week:

A big thank you to our volunteers, teachers, and especially our families for supporting the fall book fair! It was a great success! Kids picked out some fun reads and we were able to raise some money for the PTO. That's a win/win!

Our favorite Eagle Scouts have finished their projects! The new Free Little Library and Buddy Benches have been installed on the Wickliffe grounds near the new playground. Please stop by on Tuesday, December 14, at 3 for a dedication ceremony and feel free to bring a book to the Free Little Library! 

This week:

  • Don't forget to order your Taste of Italy tour from Berwick by 11 a.m. today
  • Heart to Heart donations are due this Thursday.

Also keep in mind:

  • We are looking for After School Discovery course instructors.
  • There's another Coffee Cart next Wednesday, December 15, that needs a volunteer and some treats.
  • The Informal Affair has a new and exciting lottery drawing!

Read on to learn more about all this great stuff and more! 

News and links to our website:
Walking Club Coordinator needed

Walking Club is a favorite winter activity among Wickliffe students and we want to bring it back in January! The club gives students a chance to put on their walking shoes and get moving during lunch recess. Each lap earns a foot charm. 

We need a coordinator to help us get this going again! Interested? Please contact the PTO at wickliffepto@gmail.com

Berwick Restaurant Night: Order online by TODAY at 11 a.m.

  • Berwick Restaurant Night: Wednesday, December 8

    • Preorder online: https://the-berwick.com/taste-of-italy-tour-menu or call 614-235-7100
    • If ordering online, be sure to choose December 8: Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School PTO Fundraiser and add our tour date/location to your cart
    • Pick up on December 8 between 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Wickliffe



Beautification Committee update

Thank you to Emily Poe and Sarah Smile for greenery! We will have a small dedication and thank you Tuesday, December 14, after school for our Wickliffe alumni Boy Scouts Wesley and Justin. They completed our little library, benches and peace pile. More details to come!

Coffee cart for teachers and staff


Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and/or donated items to the Coffee Cart! We are still looking for one more volunteer and treat donations for Wednesday, December 15. Click on the link for more information and to sign up! Thank you for your continued support!



Informal Affair

The Pack is Back!  
- 2021/2022 Informal Affair (IA) -


Saturday, February 12


4H Center OSU Campus
2201 Fred Taylor Drive
Adults only


  • Preordered tickets are $30 per person, and include one raffle ticket. 
  • Price at the door will be $35 (without a raffle ticket included). 
  • Raffle tickets will be sold at the event and can be used for drinks, games, beverage wagons and more!
  • This is an adult-only event and our largest fundraiser of the year! It is a wonderful celebration of community, children, art and a time to get to know one another. The pack is back!



NEW TO INFORMAL AFFAIR: PARENTS' NIGHT OUT! This year at Informal Affair we are going to have a lottery drawing for two tickets to attend a fun "Parents' Night Out" party. The purpose of these parties is twofold: one, to raise money for Wickliffe; and two, to give parents/caregivers another chance to mix and mingle and build community outside of school. Each winning ticket will receive a plus-one so you and your partner or a friend can attend.

We are looking for two or three more hosts for these parties. Hosts will select the date of the party, the theme, how many attendees and what it includes. So far, we have these fun parties: Beer Pong Tournament, Euchre Tournament, and Murder Mystery Night. You can even pair up with other families to host a Parents' Night Out party together. If you are interested in hosting or would like more information, please contact Lindsay James at lcwiseman@yahoo.com

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Interested in helping out with the Informal Affair this year? We would love your help and support with this event! Please contact Emily Poe at emilyspoe@gmail.com. We have various committees that could use your time and talents!

There are many ways to get involved! We need artists, donation organizers, cashiers, decorators, clean-up crew, and more! 


December school lunch menu
After School Discovery

We are thrilled to announce that the PTO is bringing back Wickliffe’s After School Discovery (ASD) enrichment program for winter and spring sessions in 2022. After School Discovery gives K-5 students the opportunity to explore diverse interests through fun extracurricular courses. Classes offered in the past have included STEM, lacrosse, fashion, Lego sculptures, yoga, chess, drama, basketball, and more! ASD has been a huge success in the past because of the amazing support from our Wickliffe community, including school staff, families, and local businesses.

We need your help again this year! Please help us spread the word that we are currently accepting course applications for the Winter 2022 ASD session. Classes will begin Monday, January 24, and run for six weeks.

All course instructors will be compensated through course fees. If you or someone you know has a skill or passion that you could share with K-5 students through the ASD program, please contact the ASD planning committee at wickliffeptoasd@gmail.com.

Food waste reduction program

In an effort to reduce the amount of food waste from our lunch program, Wickliffe has started saving and sanitizing unopened food items for our school community that the children would normally be throwing away. Please stop by the school and we can help you get a bag together for your family or a neighbor in need! We frequently have fruit cups, apple sauce, carrots, apple slices, cheese sticks, small dinner salads, and more! 

Counselors' Corner December 7

Food for Thought:

As we have begun the 2021 holiday season, I had hoped to share this article with you before Thanksgiving break. I don’t know if any of you are feeling like you have too many balls in the air at this time, but I certainly do (which could be a topic for a future “Food for Thought"... why are we feeling less productive during this pandemic?).

So, although this article, written by Hillary Nelson (director of education for Penn’s Center for Public Health Initiatives) and James Pawelski (director of education at Penn’s Positive Psychology Center), was intended for Thanksgiving, it certainly pertains to the December holidays as well.

Here are their six tips for making the holidays joyful, fun, and safe:

  • Understand your risk tolerance.

  • Be open and frank.

  • Practice self-compassion.

  • Think beyond yourself.

  • Embrace arts and music.

  • Reframe what makes the holidays “special.”

I hope these resonate with you as much as they did for me.

Until next week,

The Counseling Team 

Felice Kassoy, Sarah Perry, Sarah Moyer, and Megan Montana

Wednesday, December 8
5:30p Restaurant Night - The Berwick - Taste of Italy Tour
5:30p Berwick Restaurant "Taste of Italy Tour" Food Pick-up
Tuesday, December 14
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Monday, December 20
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Tuesday, December 21
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Wednesday, December 22
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Thursday, December 23
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Friday, December 24
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Monday, December 27
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Tuesday, December 28
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Wednesday, December 29
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Thursday, December 30
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Friday, December 31
Winter Break- December 20 - December 31
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2020-2021 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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