What to watch for this week: |
We hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! This week - book fair! Next week: - Wednesday, December 8, 5:30-6:30 - Restaurant Night! Drive through the Wickliffe parking lot to pick up your preordered "Taste of Italy" Berwick dinner
- Thursday, December 9 - last day to deliver Heart to Heart holiday gifts to Wickliffe
Read on for more info! |
News and links to our website: |
Beautification committee: holiday decorating |
Hello Wolves! As the holiday decorating season begins, our beautification committee wondered: when you're picking up winter greenery for your own homes, could grab a bundle or two for our front planters at school? We would really appreciate it as we need to fill those big blue planters! If you're willing to help, please drop items off in the school office anytime this week, November 29-December 3, or next week December 6-10. Thank you all so much and please spread the word!
Berwick Restaurant Night: orders are now open |
Berwick Restaurant Night: Wednesday, December 8 - Preorder online: https://the-berwick.com/taste-of-italy-tour-menu or call 614-235-7100
- If ordering online, be sure to choose December 8: Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School PTO Fundraiser and add our tour date/location to your cart
- Pick up on December 8 between 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Wickliffe
The fall Scholastic book fair starts this week! |
The fall Scholastic bookfair starts this week! Students will be able to visit the book fair with their class November 30-December 3. During this time, they'll create wishlists for you to review and approve for purchase. You can also shop the book fair in person with your student on Thursday, December 2, from 3-7 p.m. - or without if you're looking to buy holiday gifts!
A book fair flyer and letter went home in backpacks last week. Books can be purchased by:
- Returning an approved wishlist and payment to school
- Visiting the Wickliffe book fair site and purchasing online (free shipping over $25): https://www.scholastic.com/bf/wickliffeprogressive
- Joining your student at the book fair to purchase books off of the shelf on December 2 from 3-7 p.m.
Please review the letter for additional details.
Parent Bookfair letter » Bookfair Wishlist Printout » If you would like to volunteer at the book fair please contact wickliffepto@gmail.com.
We are thrilled to announce that the PTO is bringing back Wickliffe’s After School Discovery (ASD) enrichment program for winter and spring sessions in 2022. After School Discovery gives K-5 students the opportunity to explore diverse interests through fun extracurricular courses. Classes offered in the past have included STEM, lacrosse, fashion, Lego sculptures, yoga, chess, drama, basketball, and more! ASD has been a huge success in the past because of the amazing support from our Wickliffe community, including school staff, families, and local businesses.
We need your help again this year! Please help us spread the word that we are currently accepting course applications for the Winter 2022 ASD session. Classes will begin Monday, January 24, and run for six weeks.
All course instructors will be compensated through course fees. If you or someone you know has a skill or passion that you could share with K-5 students through the ASD program, please contact the ASD planning committee at wickliffeptoasd@gmail.com.
Coffee cart for teachers and staff |
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and donated items to the Coffee Cart! The teachers and staff really appreciate all the treats and coffee/tea! We have some slots open for December 8 and 15. Please click on the link below to sign up to volunteer or donate items (treats can be homemade or pre-packaged). When you drop off the items at the front office, please label the items Coffee Cart. Thank you for your continued support!
Food waste reduction program |
In an effort to reduce the amount of food waste from our lunch program, Wickliffe has started saving and sanitizing unopened food items for our school community that the children would normally be throwing away. Please stop by the school and we can help you get a bag together for your family or a neighbor in need! We frequently have fruit cups, apple sauce, carrots, apple slices, cheese sticks, small dinner salads, and more! |
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Interested in helping out with the Informal Affair this year? We would love your help and support with this event! Please contact Emily Poe at emilyspoe@gmail.com. We have various committees that could use your time and talents!
There are many ways to get involved! We need artists, donation organizers, cashiers, decorators, clean-up crew, and more!
Informal Affair will be held on Saturday, February 12, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., at the 4H Center (2201 Fred Taylor Drive) on OSU Campus. This is an adult-only event and the largest fundraiser of the year. More details to come!
Heart to Heart holiday gift drive |
Mrs. Oberlin's and Mrs. Miller's classes are collecting holiday gifts for the children of Heart to Heart Food Pantry families. During these especially difficult times, many families are struggling to pay their bills and have enough food to eat. As a result, they don’t have money for extra things like holiday gifts for the children. We are collecting gifts for 70 children from 24 families to help them have a happier holiday season.
If you would like to choose a child or a family to shop for you can access the Sign Up Genius here: Holiday Gift Sign Up - please deliver the gifts to Wickliffe by Thursday, December 9. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please email soberlin@uaschools.org.
| Tuesday, November 30 | | | Wednesday, December 1 | | | Thursday, December 2 | | | Friday, December 3 | | | Wednesday, December 8 | | Tuesday, December 14 | | Monday, December 20 | | Tuesday, December 21 | | Wednesday, December 22 | | Thursday, December 23 | | Friday, December 24 | | Monday, December 27 | | Tuesday, December 28 | | Wednesday, December 29 | | Thursday, December 30 | | Friday, December 31 | | Monday, January 3 | |
Thank you to all of our 2020-2021 sponsors! |
Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor! |