What to watch for this week: |
Calling all bookworms! Our book fair will be November 29 - December 3! And Rah-Rah orders will be ready to be picked up this week; more info below.
Some more important dates to keep in mind: - Wednesday, November 17, from 8-9 a.m. and 5-6:30 p.m. - pick up Rah-Rah orders in the school parking lot
- Friday, November 19, from 4-7:30 p.m. - pick up Rah-Rah orders in the school parking lot
- Friday, November 19 - all unclaimed items in the Lost & Found will be donated
- Saturday, February 12 - Informal Affair
Lost & Found Now that kids are starting to dress for the weather, our Lost & Found collection has grown with coats, hats, gloves, etc. Please view this document which includes all the Lost & Found items looking to find their way back home. Please remember to label water bottles, clothing, and jackets and staff will do their best to return the items to the owner. Any items not picked up by Friday, Nov.19, will be donated.
News and links to our website: |
The fall Scholastic bookfair is right around the corner! |
The fall Scholastic bookfair is right around the corner! Students will be able to visit the book fair with their class November 30-December 3. During this time they'll create wishlists for you to review and approve for purchase. Alternatively, you can shop the bookfair in person with your student on Thursday, December 2, from 3-7 p.m.
More details to come!
If you would like to volunteer at the bookfair please contact wickliffepto@gmail.com.
Coffee cart for teachers and staff |
Thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated items to the Coffee Cart! The teachers and staff members at Wickliffe really enjoyed the coffee and treats! We are looking for 2/3 volunteers for tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 17) to walk around with a cart and give out coffee and treats to the classrooms and offices. The coffee cart will go around the building from 8:15-10:00am. Volunteers please plan to arrive around 7:30am to get the coffee brewing and the cart ready.
We are also also looking for donations of; ground coffee, treats (muffins, granola bars, etc.), creamer, tea bags, and coffee cups and lids. Donations can be dropped off at the front office. Please click on the link below to sign up! Thank you for your support! Please contact Jen Waddell at jenniferawaddell@yahoo.com with any questions.
Rah-Rah orders will be ready for pick-up soon! |
Rah-Rah orders will be at the school parking lot for pick-up on: - Wednesday, Nov. 17, from 8-9 a.m. and 5-6:30 p.m.
- Friday, Nov. 19, from 4-7:30 p.m.
THANK YOU to Jessica Murdock and Lindsay Bennett for their creative direction on the Big Toy design. |
Upcoming Restaurant Nights |
December: The Berwick - Taste of Italy Tour
Wednesday, December 8, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Pickup a prepared dinner (hot or cold) via drive thru in the Wickliffe parking lot! Place your pre-order online or via phone - we will provide a flyer, website, and phone number closer to our event! Orders will be able to be placed up until a few days prior. 10% of sales will be donated to the PTO. January: Chipotle Wednesday, January 12, 5-9 p.m. 3090 Kingsdale Ctr., Upper Arlington 33% of their Wickliffe sales will go to the PTO. Mention the fundraiser to the cashier prior to paying! Or order online ahead of time using the code JPFFG8W. February: Carsonie's *we will provide more details soon! 1725 W. Lane Ave., Upper Arlington Take out or dine in! 15% of their Wickliffe sales will go to the PTO! |
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Interested in helping out with the Informal Affair this year? We would love your help and support with this event! Please contact Emily Poe at emilyspoe@gmail.com. We have various committees that could use your time and talents!
There are many ways to get involved! We need artists, donation organizers, cashiers, decorators, clean-up crew, and more!
Informal Affair will be held on Saturday, February 12, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., at the 4H Center (2201 Fred Taylor Drive) on OSU Campus. This is an adult-only event and the largest fundraiser of the year. More details to come!
Our Heart to Heart holiday gift drive starts now! |
Mrs. Oberlin's and Mrs. Miller's classes are collecting holiday gifts for the children of Heart to Heart Food Pantry families. During these especially difficult times, many families are struggling to pay their bills and have enough food to eat. As a result, they don’t have money for extra things like holiday gifts for the children. We are collecting gifts for 70 children from 24 families to help them have a happier holiday season.
If you would like to choose a child or a family to shop for you can access the Sign Up Genius here: Holiday Gift Sign Up - please deliver the gifts to Wickliffe by Thursday, December 9. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please email soberlin@uaschools.org.
Playground installation and octopus garden |
One reason we have events like the Fun Run, in addition to having FUN, is to raise money for things like the big playground equipment and some of the instruments in the octopus garden that the PTO was able to purchase. It's always exciting to see where this money goes, and we thank you!
The Stand Project - Upcoming Events |
SAVE THE DATE! THE STAND PROJECT OPEN MEETING NOV 16 | 6PM | COhatch Lane Ave Wondering who The Stand Project is and what it does? Do you have ideas or concerns about substance abuse, well-being, or other parenting and community topics that we need to tackle? We welcome everyone to LEARN MORE and START TALKING about ways The Stand Project can support the community through its upcoming programming and events. Download The Stand Upcoming Events PDF |
| Counselors' Corner November 16 |
Counseling Team updates: We have had another incredible response to our counseling groups. The late fall groups (Worry Warriors and Super Sibs) are filled to capacity. However, if you would still like to have your child participate in either one of these groups, please email Dr. Kassoy (fkassoy@uaschools.org). We always want to meet the needs of our kiddos. Just a reminder that there is still some space in TOAD Talks (which meets once a month for the entire school year). And IDEA Mentors and Mindful Mornings are ongoing groups that children can join anytime throughout the year. The winter groups will start in January. Lemonade Brigade, for children who have families who are currently or have experienced divorce or separation, will be offered. In addition, we will be providing groups that offer support in the areas of social skills and emotional regulation. Details will be forthcoming. Food for Thought As we shared with you last month, we will provide a variety of resources addressing the pandemic. Last month’s article was from the Kaiser Family Foundation. It shed light on some current findings regarding the wellbeing and health of children from a broad research and policy perspective. This month’s article, entitled Persevering through the Pandemic: Key Learnings about Children from Parents and Early Educators, is from the Early Learning Study at Harvard. Although some of the findings identify the challenges that have emerged, this study also “highlight[s] the sources of strength and resilience that families and young children drew upon during the height of the public health crisis [and] include actionable insights that can help guide efforts to mitigate adverse consequences and bolster supports for children and caregivers during the pandemic recovery period” we are currently in. As always, we hope these resources will provide you with new insights as we continue to navigate this school year. Until next week, The Counseling Team Felice Kassoy, Sarah Perry, Sarah Moyer, and Megan Montana |
| Wednesday, November 24 | | Thursday, November 25 | | Friday, November 26 | | Tuesday, November 30 | | Wednesday, December 1 | | Thursday, December 2 | | Friday, December 3 | | Wednesday, December 8 | | Tuesday, December 14 | | Monday, December 20 | | Tuesday, December 21 | |
Thank you to all of our 2020-2021 sponsors! |
Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor! |