Originally delivered on 10/12/2021 3:00 pm

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (10.12.2021)

What to watch for this week:

Mark your calendars!

We are excited to announce that the Informal Affair is back this year! It'll be Saturday, February 12, 6:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m., at the 4H Center (2201 Fred Taylor Drive) on OSU Campus. Get your babysitters lined up because this is an adults-only event and our largest fundraiser of the year. More details to come!

And some more dates to keep in mind: 

  • Wednesday, October 13 - Restaurant Night at Dewey's Pizza
  • Friday, October 15 - NO SCHOOL!
  • Thursday, October 21 - Early dismissal
  • Sunday, October 24 - Beautification fall clean-up 
  • Thursday, October 28 - Parent coffee meet-up
  • Saturday, November 6 - Fun Run

News and links to our website:
Save the Date! Informal Affair (IA)

SAVE THE DATE - Informal Affair (IA) will be held on Saturday, February 12th from 6:30pm - 10:30pm at the 4H Center (2201 Fred Taylor Drive) on OSU Campus. This is an adult only event and the largest fundraiser of the year. More details to come!

Save the Date! Wickliffe Family Fun Run


A Fundraiser Benefitting Wickliffe PTO

Mark your calendar for this community-building event focused on empowerment, togetherness and encouragement as students complete a staggered-start, two-mile distance run/walk throughout the park. Parents/Families are welcome to join their student(s) or cheer from the sidelines.


Saturday, November 6 @ 9:00-10:30am (Rain or Shine!)

Fancyburg Shelter House


What to Expect? 

• Grades K-1 to complete ONE loop
• Grades 2-3 to complete TWO loops
• Grades 4-5 to complete THREE loops (2 miles)


As each grade level runs, all other students are encouraged to line the course and cheer on their fellow Wickliffe Wolves. Parents/Families are welcome to join their student(s) or cheer from the sidelines.


Register & Make Your Donation Here »

Download the Fun Run Flyer



Rah-Rah Fundraiser starting 10/12-10/21


Great holiday gifts! Items will be in hand by 11/14

Step 1: Shop rahrahgear.com between Oct. 12-21

Step 2: Use code WICKLIFFE at checkout

Step 3: Pick up your order on Nov. 19 from 4-7:30pm at the Wickliffe Parking Lot.


Little Library and Memorial Bench Eagle Scout Projects

Currently raising funds for materials to be used in this project here: 



After School Discovery

For many years, Wickliffe PTO's enrichment program, After School Discovery (ASD), has given students the opportunity to pursue diverse interests through fun extracurricular courses each trimester. Plans are underway to bring ASD back for the winter session, and expanding the team that manages ASD is critical to its success.

We are seeking volunteers for the roles of managing relationships with instructors, families, the school, and/or technology. Ideally, two or three volunteers would focus on each of these roles, alternating taking the lead each trimester while being supported by other members of the team. Time commitment varies from one to five hours per week during the peak periods for each role.

Find more information or volunteer at https://forms.gle/yGYksc2Zcq7SAiqKA.

October School Lunch Menu
Upcoming Restaurant Night - Dewey's Pizza

To benefit the Wickliffe PTO

Wednesday, October 13
4-9 p.m.

All supporters, family and friends are invited to eat pizza and raise funds! Mention Wickliffe Wolves and up to 20% of all food purchases will be donated to Wickliffe Elementary School PTO.

Dewey's Pizza, Grandview
1327 West Fifth Ave.

Valid on 10.13.21 from 4-9 p.m.
Dewey's Pizza Grandview only
Dewey's dine-in, curbside carryout, and online ordering

To order online, visit www.deweyspizza.com and mention in Order Notes at checkout

Not valid with DoorDash delivery


Teacher Appreciation - October snack sign up

Let's show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them!


In October, we will provide snacks and beverages so they can enjoy a treat during a break in their day. Please use the link below to sign up and donate items. In November and December, we will run the coffee cart for the teachers and staff once a week. More details and a sign-up sheet will be sent out in November. Thank you for your continued support!


October snack sign up - Teacher Appreciation - October snack sign up

Thank You for those who have already generously donated!!



Counselors' Corner

Counseling Team updates - October 12:

Our early fall groups will be wrapping us this month. We have enjoyed having your children engage in these meaningful opportunities. The late fall groups will start the first week of November. If you are interested in having your child participate, please email Dr. Kassoy (fkassoy@uaschools.org).

  • Worry Warriors: For kiddos who have a lot of *big worries* about the world around them. Whether it has to do with the challenges of COVID-19, experiencing a new school year, or something else outside of school, it can be very overwhelming for kids to try to tackle these worries on their own. We hope that this group will empower these children to gain control over their worries and discover their inner warriors!

  • Super Sibs: For children who have siblings with *different* needs. The goal of the group is to provide support for these students, and give them a safe space to share common experiences that come along with having a sibling who has different abilities. Through stories, conversations, and activities, our hope is that these kiddos will feel supported knowing that they have a group of friends at school who also understand what it means to be a Super Sib!

And we are delighted that TOAD Talks and Mindful Mornings will continue on designated Tuesdays shared by Ms. McEvoy, Lucy Cheng, and Ann Bixel.

Food for Thought

I stumbled upon this article after my Sunday morning stroll with my friend, Chris. Each week we walk our COVID-rescue puppies (now dogs) together. Over the years, we have really bonded through these outdoor visits!  Research actually shows that conversations in nature might help families connect. Gina Decaprio Vercesi, a journalist for National Geographic, explains why and how you can get started (or why you should keep doing it)! 

And I hope this blog by Ohio Health gives you some new ideas of ways to experience the beauty of this fall while enjoying the benefits of being outdoors with your family.

Happy walking, talking, exploring, and connecting!

Until next week,

The Counseling Team 

Felice Kassoy, Sarah Perry, Sarah Moyer, and Megan Montana

Tuesday, October 12
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Thursday, October 21
Elementary Early Dismissal (Grades K-5)
Sunday, October 24
1:00p Beautification Fall Clean-up
Monday, November 1
End of first trimester (kindergarten-grade 5)
Tuesday, November 2
Election Day- No School Students- Staff report per schedule
Tuesday, November 9
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2020-2021 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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