We hope everyone's school year is off to a fabulous start! Remember this weekend is Labor Day, so no school on Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!
Important reminders
- Wickliffe's Fall Fest is Friday, October 1, 6-8 p.m., at the school. We will be coordinating activities and volunteers - look for more info coming soon!
- The first general PTO meeting is Monday, October 4, at 7 p.m.
Art installations
Check out the 'Your PTO Dollars at Work!" post to learn more about the Art and Design projects that our PTO funded this year. A big thanks to the Wickliffe Arts and Design team for their vision and making the new Wickliffe feel like home!
Spirit wear update
Graduation t-shirts are back and ready for you to order. This year, the shirts will be purchased via Amazon and delivered to your house. Please see our Spirit Wear store for more details and to order yours! Don't forgot, you can select Wickliffe PTO for your Amazon Smile account to earn cash for our school! Also, check out the new fall 2021 spirit wear offerings below!
Restaurant Nights are back
On Wednesday, September 22, we are having our first Restaurant Night with Cuco's Taqueria. Every month during the school year, Wickliffe PTO partners with different restaurants in our area to benefit from their dine and donate programs to raise money for our school. The restaurants donate a percentage of the proceeds from your order when your show them the fundraiser flyer. It is an easy and delicious way to support our school! Scroll down for more info!
Correction: Links
Last week's email's link buttons (below) weren't working properly. Sorry! The links have been updated, and please continue to let us know when we miss something.