Originally delivered on 8/24/2021 7:27 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (8.24.2021)

What to Watch for This Week:
Back to school!

Welcome back to school! What an exciting start we have had to the 2021-2022 school year. It has been so amazing to see so much excited, positive energy in and around our building during the open house, first day of school parent coffees, parent information nights, and drop off/pick ups! We are looking forward to many more opportunities to safely gather and build community this year. 


As we have in past years, the PTO will send out these newsletters every Tuesday. In addition to the newsletter, you can visit the Wickliffe PTO Website to learn more about the PTO and join. We welcome all of you to participate in any way that you can…this may mean becoming a PTO member, joining a committee, volunteering, or attending an event. Whatever level of participation you choose, your time and involvement are always appreciated! 


A couple of quick things: 

  • We will offer free babysitting this Wednesday for the 2/3 and 4/5 parent information night. Please see the link in the newsletter to sign-up. 
  • Our first fundraiser is quickly approaching! Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse is working with us again for one of our biggest fundraisers, which provides every teacher and staff member with a grant for their classroom/area of expertise. On September 7, your student's web sale code will be emailed to you. Share this link with your friends and family and they can easily purchase flowers online!
  •  A big thank you for those who have reached out with offers to help! Please check out the Current Opportunities page to see where we need help! 
  • Many people have reached out regarding spirit wear…we have some very talented volunteers working on a fall sale…more information to come! 
  • Wickliffe's Fall Fest is Friday, October 1, 6-8 p.m., at the school. We will be coordinating activities and volunteers, so be on the lookout for more info soon!
  • Our first general PTO meeting will be October 4 at 7 p.m.

Have a great week!

News and links to our website:
Open House Childcare

The PTO will provide free childcare at Wickliffe for parents attending the upcoming parent/teacher nights. All children need to wear a mask in order to utilize this resource. 

2nd Grade through 5th Grade Parent Information Night:

Wednesday, August 25th (see specific grade level times below)

  • 2/3- 6:00 pm
  • 4/5- 7:05 pm

Sign up here »

Join the PTO

One of the easiest ways to support all the work that we do, is to join the PTO! By joining the PTO, you will be able to: 

  • Access the school directory to help connect with other families in your child’s class.
  • Receive communications on the many programs and activities the PTO provides throughout the year for our Wickliffe families, teachers, staff, and students.
  • Contribute to the PTO fundraising efforts - The fee is $25 per family for the year and goes directly to fund our many programs and activities. 

Please visit https://www.wickliffepto.org/pto_membership to join the PTO today!

Directory Update/Teacher Assignments

The Wickliffe family directory will be hosted and managed via our membership toolkit site again this year. Please take a moment to verify your family information and add your child’s teacher assignment if you haven’t already done so! 

...As other parents add the teacher assignment for their children, you can find and connect with the other students who have been assigned to your child's class - it's just one perk of being a PTO member!...

For details on how to do this, click here

Here are the steps:

  1. Please match your student to their teacher:
  • Go to wickliffepto.org/Open_Forms and sign in
  • ***only if prompted, "create account" with membership toolkit using the email address this email was sent to (this is important as your email address links you to the contact information already set up for you in Membership Toolkit).
  • Verify your family information and select the appropriate teacher name from the list for each of your students
  • Review your directory publish preferences, and 
  • Click save.

If you notice a friend is missing their teacher assignment, please pass this tip on!

  1. Please pay PTO dues to access the directory:

For privacy reasons, the directory is only available to PTO members - to join please click here

If the $25 dues are a barrier to joining, please send an email to wickliffepto@gmail.comfor the fee to be waived.

September 7th starts our Fall fundraising campaign!

September 7th starts our Fall fundraising campaign!

We have again chosen Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse to help us raise our funds for this year’s campaign. On September 7th, your student’s web sale code will be sent directly to your email. You can share this link with your friends and family so that they can purchase their flowers online!

The fall mum sale was a huge success last year and enabled us to provide teacher grants for all of our teachers and staff. Let’s do it again this year! 

School Supplies

The PTO is here to support any families who need help purchasing school supplies. Please reach out to the PTO or Dr. Kassoy. All requests are kept confidential.

Counselors' Corner
Counselors’ Corner - August 20th

Greetings from the Counseling Team! 

For those of you who are new to Wickliffe...welcome! Please stop by and introduce yourself.

A more detailed description of the support we provide will be forthcoming. In the meantime, here are two small group opportunities for all children (K-5)!

Mindful Mornings will be offered on Tuesdays, 7:45-8:15 a.m. in room 227, by Shawna McEvoy, Wickliffe teacher, and Urban Zen Integrative Therapist.

As we all know, it has been a very challenging time. As a result, children may be having a difficult time navigating their emotions. 

Students will explore ways to stay present, calm, and effective in the midst of worry and stress. Participants will engage in mindful movements, guided breathing practices, and guided body scans to promote awareness. We will practice and discuss how they can feel empowered to use these strategies in their day-to-day lives.

Please email Dr. Kassoy (fkassoy@uaschools.org) or Ms. McEvoy (smcevoy@uaschools.org) if you would like your child to participate.

Tackling Transitions & Coping with Confidence

“The only constant in life is change” –Heraclitus

That saying couldn’t be more true right now! Over the past 2 school years, we have all had to deal with constant changes and unknowns while trying to keep our attitudes and mindsets flexible and positive. And it’s exhausting! 


As our students enter into a new school year, they may be coming from different learning environments but they are facing similar challenges. That’s why our Syntero clinician, Sarah Perry, and School Counseling interns, Sarah Moyer & Megan Montana, will be facilitating our fall lunch bunch group, “Tackling Transitions & Coping with Confidence.” 

Group will start on 9/2 and be held on Thursdays during lunch for 8 weeks. We will discuss topics such as Covid-Fatigue and grief as well how to cope positively with constant changes and the big feelings and worries that these changes sometimes bring with them. We will also talk about how to be kind and compassionate towards one another during these challenging times. 

If you are interested in having your child participate, email Dr. Kassoy (fkassoy@uaschools.org) by Monday, 8/30.

Until next week,

Felice, Sarah P, Sarah M, and Megan


Wednesday, August 25
6:00p 2/3 Parent Information Night
7:05p 4/5 Parent Information Night
Tuesday, August 31
7:45a Mindful Mornings begins
Monday, September 6
No School- Students and Staff- Labor Day
Tuesday, September 14
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 22
Early Dismissal (K-12)
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